Updates every 30 seconds and refreshes occasionally. Hover track or data to highlight single fish. Click & drag to zoom - double click to zoom out. Reduced functionality on mobile devices. Please refresh your browser if nothing happens.





Temporal heat map of species specific activity
Activity interpolated over time of day and date


Species specific diel activity
Mean +- 95 % CI (colors) and individual tags (white)


Overview of incoming detections


Environmental data from the hydrophones




Live Fish Tracking

This site is streaming live data from a Danish lake. The map on the front page shows the (more or less) exact current location of the tagged fish. The tracks are estimated on-the-fly using YAPS with an expected delay from signal emission to updated track of less than two minutes. Raw detection data are streaming from receivers (Thelma Biotel) in the lake into a data base, processed by YAPS to obtain estimated tracks and streamed to this web-service.

Open-Source Fish Tracking

All parts of the live tracking system (except receivers and transmitters) are based on open-source software and solutions. For instance, all calculations are done in R, data are stored in a PostgreSQL database, and this site is served using R Shiny wrapped in a Docker container running on an Ubuntu server.

Why are the Fish sometimes on Land?

Tracking fish using multilateration based on acoustic signals can be tricky and position estimates will always be more or less uncertain. This is especially true in cases where number of hydrophones detecting the signals drops below 3 for extended periods. In such cases, the estimation can be so uncertain that the fish seems to have moved on land. Data on this site is unfiltered output from YAPS.

What is YAPS?

YAPS is a free and transparent open source alternative to paid-for manufacturer solutions to estimate tracks of tagged aquatic animals. Click the logo to reach the github repository where you can read more and get started using YAPS.


For more info about YAPS and the live tracking system, contact hba@aqua.dtu.dk